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ClimbAdvisor: Begin-of-years audits

February: the days are slightly getting longer; spring is coming, and we are planning long and short climbing trips.

It's time to set aside any tales about the past seasons, and looking to the upcoming one.

Springtime on the  Gran Sasso Mountain
Springtime on the Gran Sasso Mountain
Gianluca Di Benedetto

February: the days are slightly getting longer; spring is coming, and we are planning long and short climbing trips.

It's time to set aside any tales about the past seasons, and looking to the upcoming one.

What is it the analysis of the first 4 years of our app ClimbAdvisor?

The start was difficult.

Then, spending on average 5€ per month on Facebook and Instagram advertising, we sold 2000 in-app purchases, 1500 of which during the last 2 years.

Reporting the number of sales is not very elegant, because of something is good, or makes sense, is of value in itself.  

This is what we have said to ourselves, especially during the first year, when we sold less than 100 in-app purchases, and we decided to continue.

Though, I would write only once such number to thank all those who bought our guides, supporting us, and increasing the ranking of our app.  

I would like to thank them for choosing a climbing guide written by a route setter.

I would say that we are publishing many new guides, many free updates, and some little innovation.

And for the first three users that will have been patient enough to read out this boring article, and that can prove that they purchased a guide, we have a gift card of 15€.

And to all a good climbing! 


Alessio Meloni (not verified)

Ciao a tutti, sono Alessio meloni, ho comprato delle guide e vi avevo chiesto supporto un pò di tempo fa!

Mon, 02/04/2019 - 07:48

Ciao Alessio, mi ricordo della tua richiesta, e credo anche di avere la tua mail. A breve ti invierò un codice regalo (per Android, se non ricordo male).

Mon, 02/04/2019 - 07:50

In reply to by Alessio Meloni (not verified)

Carlo B. (not verified)

Ciao, vi ho mandato per mail la ricevuta dell’acquisto di Bassiano :-)

Mon, 02/04/2019 - 11:47

Ciao Carlo, grazie, ti abbiamo risposto con il codice!

Mon, 02/04/2019 - 15:08

In reply to by Carlo B. (not verified)

Luigi G. (not verified)

Vi ho spedito la schermata di Salinella, va bene?

Mon, 02/04/2019 - 11:59

Certo Luigi, va bene. Anche a te abbiamo mandato il codice regalo per iphone!

Mon, 02/04/2019 - 15:09

In reply to by Luigi G. (not verified)

Camillo Troisi (not verified)

Ciao,non vi scrivo tanto per le 15€,ma per ringraziarvi per l'ottimo lavoro che state svolgendo. Ho diverse vostre guide (tipo 15-20),e già penso di arricchire il mio archivio con altre. Di nuovo complimenti

Mon, 02/04/2019 - 13:49

Grazie Camillo! Grazie anche perchè sei il soggetto di diverse foto che stanno sul nostro sito :-) Bisogna proprio allargare il numero da tre a quattro!

Scrivimi in privato la tua mail e ti invio il codice (Android, se non ricordo male) :-)

Mon, 02/04/2019 - 15:11

In reply to by Camillo Troisi (not verified)

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