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Ciampino, historic rock gym, has divided and still divides the world of local sport climbing between those who love it and those who hate it. With its unique climbing style of cracks and plaques, similar to the granite of the Masso Kosterlitz, it retains the privilege of having trained great climbers and mountaineers. Among the most popular cracks is the mythical 3chiodi, collapsed in January 2013.

Mauro Trechiodi on 3chiodi
Historical photo of Mauro Trechiodi on 3chiodi
Piero Mariani

After the collapse of January 2013 in place of 3chiodi and Biancaneve were born Pilastro 3chiodi and Diedro Giallo.

Viviana Smirnoff on Diedro Giallo
Viviana Smirnoff sul Diedro Giallo
Mauro Trechiodi


Vincenzo (not verified)

Ci sono cresciuto da quando avevo 12 anni ,amavo quel posto e continuerò ad amarlo ,io ero piccolo e spesso ci trovavo persone adulte che poi ho scoperto che sono stati i migliori climber e alpinisti di questi anni. Ciao mauretto

Sat, 01/05/2019 - 11:49

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