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100 years of climbing in Mount Morra

Mauro Trechiodi tells us about the celebration for 100 years of climbing in the Mount Morra, a historical climbing spot of Rome.

Pierluigi Bini at the celebration for 100 years of climbing in Mount Morra
Pierluigi Bini at the celebration for 100 years of climbing in Mount Morra
Mauro Trechiodi

Inspired by an idea of Stefano Ardito, the Italian Alpin Club (Cai) of Tivoli organized the event "100 years of climbing at Mount Morra". 

Thus, on Sunday  27 October 2019 we found ourselves at the little square of San Polo dei Cavalieri and from there, with a group of friends, we headed towards the start of the path to the walls of the Morra (which takes about 40 minutes).

Once at the bottom of the rock wall, we had a good day, between laughter, jokes, climbing, shots, and tales about the great historical climbers of the Mount Morra: Pierluigi Bini, Memmo Fornari, Stefano Ardito, and many others. And I, too, told some tales...

Selfie con Pierluigi Bini, Guglielmo Fornari e altri amici del Morra
Selfie con Pierluigi Bini, Guglielmo Fornari e altri amici del Morra
Mauro Trechiodi

There were some younger climbers, that were very impressed by the style, the talent and the humility of those masters of climbing.

We repeated the classic routes of the crag: the "Zapparoli", the "Boscaiolo", the "Rampa". Then we ended the day with a cake and sparkling wine, to celebrate also the birthday of Pierluigi Bini, that started to climb in the Mount Morra and still loves this place very much.

And finally, here's the video that I filmed, with Pierluigi Bini climbing in free solo, followed by Memmo Fornari, he too in free solo, as they used to do, and then by us (top rope!!!). In the end, cake and toasts for all!


Cinzia Nardi (not verified)

Una bellissima cronaca, raccontata con la semplicità dei grandi. Complimenti!

Tue, 10/29/2019 - 19:43

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