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Something about Monte Leano


Beautiful cliff, discovered in the early '60s and enhanced with a constant attendance lasted about 20 years.

After the first half of the '80s falls by the wayside despite the superb quality of the rock, perhaps due to the discovery of cliffs with an approach considered to be less steep, in the same area of.

Among the historical climbers Morandi, Delisi, Antonioli, Ferrante, Ramorino, Battimelli, Ardito, Di Bari, Vitale and others, that nailed beautiful routes and multipitches.

Winter cliff, surrounded by the Mediterranean, mainly exposed S-SE, but the climbing is possible even in summer afternoons after 17.30, because the place is often very windy and the cliff should be in the shade. 


From Rome, take the Appia way. At about 72 km turn right for the village La Fiora, following the sign. Turn on the first street on the right, which is the Appia Antica. Park soon after a level crossing.