Yesterday, 30 October 2019, the first titan bolts were delivered to Daniele Arena in San Vito lo Capo.
Daniele Arena purchased these anchors by own funds, and by climbers' donations.
Yesterday, 30 October 2019, the first titan bolts were delivered to Daniele Arena in San Vito lo Capo.
Daniele Arena purchased these anchors by own funds, and by climbers' donations.
This fall is full of news about San Vito lo Capo.
Yesterday, 30 October 2019, the first titan bolts were delivered to the Climbing House. Daniele Arena did it all himself, purchasing these anchors by own funds, and by climbers' donations.
Thanks to all climbers that in these years gave many small or big donations. And thanks to the Titan Climbing, that on this occasion has shown gret sensitivity and offered really good conditions of purchase.
From now on, all the routes of the Salinella cliff (at low-level and very close to the sea) will be re-equipped with titan anchors.
To finance their purchase (as the titan anchors, even if with very good condition, aren't exactly cheap) we will search for sponsors, and we will launch crowd-funding from this web site.
The first revamped route will be, symbolically, the first one set by Daniele Arena in San Vito lo Capo, when this climbing spot was unknown to most: il ritorno dei Nomadi, in the Bunker area (I'm hoping him doesn't get too upset if I say that he too, deep down, has a romantic soul...).
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