Soriano nel Cimino: the topo of the area Dogma e Paradogma came out in time for the Soriano Block Festival (which will take place on September 10). It's online and free for all: download it from Google Drive clicking here.
The event will be held in three bouldering areas: Shining, Dogma e Paradogma and the brand new Limes. In these areas, all in shadow and ideal for climbing in this season, there are line of any level, high, medium and also easy. The Festival is not only a race, but also a happening, an opportunity to have the first bouldering experience and to know a new spot. Only a small number of blocks is reserved to the races. Who wants to compete has to climb that blacks. Who, instead, wants have fun together, can climb the remainders. Click here to view the program and to register, but hurry because there are few places left!
Remember that the Faggeta Vetusta is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and that climbing is allowed only in one area (that is, Shining), and under strict observance of rules. Please let's not bother locals, o we may permanently lose the change to go climbing there 🙏🙏🙏
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