Something about Emiliano Zorzi

Emiliano Zorzi
Emiliano Zorzi

Born in 1972 in Monfalcone, he is a teacher and has been a mountain enthusiast all his life. He started since he was a child with easy walks, progressing later to via ferratas and sports climbing.

Emiliano Zorzi
Saverio D'Eredità

In the 1990s he started climbing classic routes, mostly in the Dolomites and in the Carnic and Julian Alps where he completed a great number of routes (around 350). His favorite area is the southern side of the Pale of San Martino.

Emiliano Zorzi
Michele Dri

He climbed many of the routes with pen and notebook: his publications include the Quarto Grado ( website and four guidebooks dedicated to the Dolomites classic climbing and two dedicated to the Friulan mountain (together with his friends Saverio D’Ereditè e Carlo Piovan). \nAs sports climber, despite his modest technical abilities, has bolted a good number of new mid-grade routes or re-bolted old routes in Sistiana and Aurisina crags.