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Something about Fonte del Frate



The climbing spot of Fonte del Frate is few km from the historical climbing spot of Frosolone, that is Colle dell’Orso. From the parking spot of this one you have go toward Sessano for about 2 km, up to a drinking trough on the right side of the road.  The cars must be parked along the roadside (not on the meadows!).

The climbing spot is composed of two cliffs. One is parallel to the road, but in a higher position, with 4 Morgias (that is 4 Monoliths). The other one is in front, at the end of a nice green meadow, shadowed by some beech tree. The rock is the same excellent limestone of the historical Colle dell’Orso.

The first area (the one on the right) has been equipped by Nicola Cosenza, helped by Tonino Bucciarelli and Giovanni Laporese. They have started in 2012, supported by the Italian Alpin Club (CAI) of Vasto, and are still continuing such monoliths. The Morgias are numbered from I to IV. The first (Blocco I) is about ten minutes from the road. The others are consecutive. The routes are of medium/low difficulties, and quite long (even more than 30m).

The rock wall is vertical, with pockets, jugs, cracks and some crimps.  the climbing style is that of Colle dell’Orso: bouldery and very technical. It’s South exposed, thus good for climbing during the mid seasons. During the summer you can climb there only early in the morning. The rock wall is not much sheltered by the winds from West.

The other climbing area, named “Settore PiGi”, has been equipped by Luigi Baratta between 2014 and 2015. Is composed by two adjacent Monoliths. The rock wall is vertical or slightly overhanging. The routes are shadowed by some beech tree, thus are always cool, except in the last part, whereas in the afternoon arrive some rays of sun (the wall is South West exposed). The climbing style is technical and bouldery. The rock is covered by some lichens, in the first meters.

The routes are of medium length and of medium/high difficulty, with pockets, cracks and some crimps.  Mostly are bouldery. Few ones are continuous.  the best climbing season is the summer, but climbing is possible even during the hot days of the medium seasons. The rock wall is quite sheltered by the winds from West.


Finally, I want to thank all those who have helped me to finish this guide. Thanks to Nicola Cosenza for the info about the routes just opened and to Carmela Malomo for georeferencing



From Bari: go toward Foggia, then continue to Campobasso. Once at Campobasso take the SP 160 Fondovalle del Rivolo and continue up to the end. Then take in sequence the SS 647 fondovalle del Biferno direction  Boiano/Isernia and continue up to the junction to Frosolone. Once at this junction follow the signs to Frosolone taking first the SP 42, then the SS618 up to Frosolone. Once at Frosolone,  exit from the town, following the signs to Sessano del Molise; once at a junction, in front of the St. Egidio Hermitage, turn right toward Sessano (not to the left to Colle dell’Orso!), and after about 3-4 km, passed the parking spot of Colle dell’Orso, and the Corvara lake, park at the drinking trough of Fonte del Frate, on the roadside (not on the meadows). From there start the tracks toward the rockwall


Both from Rome (that is, from the North) or from Naples (that is from the South) take the A1 highway and exit at S. Vittore and follow the signs to Isernia. The follow the signs to Sessano del Molise taking the SS650; once at Sessano, follow the signs to Frosolone taking a delightful mountain road. Once at about 6-7 Km from Frosolone, look for a drinking trough (Fonte del Frate) and park here, on the roadside (not on the meadows). From there start the tracks toward the rockwall.


From Salerno go toward Benevento, then follow the signs to Campobasso taking the SS87 up to the junction Bologna/Taranto/Foggia/Campobasso; once at this junction take the SS17 and immediately turn direction  Bologna/Taranto/Termoli taking first the SS647 Dir A Fondo Valle del Biferno then (immediately after) the SS647 Fondo Valle del Biferno up to the junction to Frosolone. Once at this junction follow the signs to Frosolone and take first the SP42, then the SS618 up to the town. Exit from Frosolone, direction Sessano del Molise; Once at the St. Egidio Hermitage, turn right toward Sessano (not left toward Colle dell’Orso!)  and after about 3-4 km, passed the parking spot of Colle dell’Orso, and the Corvara lake, park at the drinking trough of Fonte del Frate, on the roadside (not on the meadows). From there start the tracks toward the rockwall.


From Pescara take the highway Adriatica toward Bari and exit to Montenero di Bisaccia/Vasto Sud-San Salvo. Then follow the signs to Isernia, taking the SS650 up to the junction Civitanova S./Frosolone/Pietrabbondante/Duronia. Once at this junction follow the signs to Frosolone taking the SP Frosolone Civitanova, and continue for about 10 Km, up to Frosolone. Exit from Frosolone, direction Sessano del Molise; Once at the St. Egidio Hermitage, turn right toward Sessano (not left toward Colle dell’Orso!)  and after about 3-4 km, passed the parking spot of Colle dell’Orso, and the Corvara lake, park at the drinking trough of Fonte del Frate, on the roadside (not on the meadows). From there start the tracks toward the rockwall.