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Guadagnolo: two new routes and a springtime party

A small report of the springtime party last Saturday, 30 March, at the bottom of the rock wall of Guadagnolo.

Guadagnolo Braccio di Ferro
Marco Fransesini on Braccio di ferro (6a)
Marco Campilani

Springtime Party in Guadagnolo, last Saturday, 30 March. 

On a beautiful sunny day, a merry band of friends celebrated the establishments of two new routes, and the desire to be together and have a good time once again.

The two routes have been set by  Marco Fransesini and Gianluca Vicovaro in the Lower Wall.

The first is Trucco e parrucco (5a).

The second one is Braccio di Ferro (6a) (=Iron Arm), dedicated to  Guglielmo Fornari, for us Memmo, that, after a bad fall, fortunately, is still among us, even if wearing a brace on his arm.


Merenda a Guadagnolo
80's: picnic in Guadagnolo
Ar. Guglielmo Fornari

So far almost all the routes of Guadagnolo have been set by Memmo and dedicated to us. 

According to tradition, we not only climbed but also ate and (above all) drank a lot.

Many of us wore the t-shirt of Guadagnolo, to indicate their affiliation to a special place, their devotion to the slopes, to the inclined holds and to the vintage grades.

Guadagnolo chiama
Marco Campilani

Guest of honor Guglielmo Fornari, that, even if wearing a brace on his right arm, has spent the whole day with us, and honored the new routes, our table and especially our wine.

Guglielmo Fornari
Memmo waving with the brace on his arm, frame from a video by Pietro Di Motta



Cinzia Nardi (not verified)

Un bel racconto di arrampicata ma soprattutto di amicizia, quella vera! Bravo!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Tue, 10/29/2019 - 19:46
Cinzia Nardi (not verified)

Un bel racconto di arrampicata ma soprattutto di amicizia, quella vera! Bravo!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Tue, 10/29/2019 - 19:46

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